Friday, August 26, 2011

A smidge from Spring and Summer....

Pardon the really horrible phone photos! But until we find that dang USB cord and get our good pics on the computer, this is all I have for the moment! Can't wait to show y'all what else we've been up to!

This windowbox literally cooks in the heat. Our client has tried tons of different drought tolerant plants and flowers, but with no success. We tried lots of succulents, echeveria, etc and it's loving these dog days of summer!

This porch was in desperate need of a buffer from the restaurants/stores it backs up to. With the help of some drapes and hanging baskets, this couple got exactly what they were hoping for!

An oldie-goldie combo in our book. If it ain't broke...don't fix it. Love Kimberly Queens, Angel Wings, and Caladiums year after year!

This just screams summer....Gaura, Vinca, Verbena, Mandevilla....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anna and Andy's Wedding

WOW! I am officially the worst blogger ever. I swear, yesterday was April and I woke up this morning and it was late August. We have been BUSY! Spring was great and plantings kept us busy well into the hot summer months. In June we took a break from digging in the dirt to do flowers for a dear friends wedding. I say "do flowers" and what I really mean is pour our hearts and souls into each beautiful bloom for a week. was worth every minute! Take a look at the pictures below and you'll see!

The old brick barn with lovely architecture just outside of good ol' Athens, GA.

The couple...the beautiful, handsome, hilarious, and wonderful Anna and Andy Frame!